VPS servers can be internally connected with private IP addresses. In this document we explain the steps you need to setup the private IP address on your server’s network configuration.

1. Before you can configure your VPS network interface, you need to open a support ticket from the client area and request a private IP address to be assigned to your VPS servers. For easy identification, please make sure to provide the current public IP addresses assigned to the VPS servers you want to add the private IP address to.

2. Once you have received confirmation from VelociHOST support that your IP addresses have been assigned to your servers, the VPS has to be rebooted from the client area.

a. Login to panel.velocihost.net

b. Select the corresponding VPS server from the Virtual Servers list.

c. Click on the Reboot button. 

After you have rebooted the VPS, you will need to log in to your server as root and add the corresponding private IP information to your network configuration. The following steps show how to accomplish this. You will have to adjust the configuration to the correct format and network configuration files of your operating system.

3. Create a new network interface. Replace eth1 to match the device you are creating:


nano /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth1


nano /etc/network/interfaces

4. Add the following information. Make sure to replace the IP address with the one provided by support:

For CentOS/RockyLinux/Fedora, the network configuration for the new interface would look similar to this:


For Ubuntu/Debian, the network configuration for the new interface would look similar to this:

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

5. Save and exit.

6. Restart the network service:


service network restart


systemctl restart networking.service

7. Check to see if the new device is listed by running the following command:

ip a

You should now see eth0, eth1, and lo (depending on your particular NIC naming).

8. Test internal network connectivity by pinging the other VPS server (adjust destination IP):


9. If the Internal IP is assigned to the VPS server before you re-install the OS, there is no need to create the additional network interface, the provisioning system will inject the necessary configuration to the server. 

Repeat the process for the rest of the VPS servers you need to connect via the internal network.

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